Crimean peninsula

exploring the fabulous rolling steppes, salty marshes, lagoons and coastal lakes around the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve and Azov Sea

Great and Little Bustards, Demoiselle Crane, Terek and Marsh Sandpipers, Pallas's and Slender-billed Gulls, Caspian and Gull-billed Terns, Black and Griffon Vultures, Saker and Red-footed Falcons, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Paddyfield and Barred Warblers, Calandra and Lesser Short-toed Larks, Rose-coloured Starling, and many others.

8 nights, 9 birding days

Dates: April 29 - 7 May, 2016

Starting point:: Odessa Airport


Payment has to be made in either Euro or British Pound and should be made by bank transfer. Please ask for details regarding our price

Single room supplement: €155,-

* Promotional statement:
We offer a 5 percent discount to anyone who books a place (and sends deposit) by 30 January.


Day  1: Odessa
Day  2 : Odessa - Askania Nova
Day  3 : Askania Nova - Crimean Peninsula
Day  4 : Northeast Crimea
Day  5 : Southeast Crimea
Day  6 : Feodosia - Alyushta
Day  7 : Crimean Forest Nature Reserve
Day  8 : Alyushta - Krasnoperekopsk - Kherson
Day  9 : Kherson - Odessa Airport

Full tour description on demand:

Birding in Azerbaijan :: Spring Birdwatching :: Central Siberia :: Hungary in Spring :: Spring Bulgaria Birding :: Spring Birdwatching :: Birding in Bulgaria :: Autumn Migration :: Red-breasted Goose :: Winter Tour :: Fortnight Spring Birdwatching :: Bulgaria & Romania Tour :: Russian Far East :: Corsica :: Twelve Days Intensive Birding :: Natural History Tour :: ALBENA Birding Holidays :: Spring Botany
Red Breasted Goose :: Spring Birdlife and Brown Bears :: Wildlife Photo Tours

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