Caucasian Snowcock

It is the best opportunity to see displaying Caucasian Snowcocks in their natural environment. This wary gallinaceous bird, together with Caucasian Black Grouse and Caucasian Chiffchaff, is endemic to the Caucasus Mountains where it breeds at altitudes from 2000-4000 m on bare stony mountains.

We provide comfortable and affordable accommodation in the delightful setting of Azeri's premier mountain resort or (optional) in a cosy guesthouse, in a charming mountain village nestled in the heart of Greater Caucasus.

During our stay we may also see many other Middle-Eastern highlights, including Caucasian Black Grouse, Lesser Kestrel, Lammergeier, Black & Griffon Vultures, Pied & Isabeline Wheatears, Rufous Bush Robin, Ménétries´s & Green Warblers, Caucasian Chiffchaff, Wallcreeper, Shore & Lesser Short-toed Larks, Great Rosefinch, Red-fronted Serin, the Asia Minor Twite, Snowfinch and the delightful Güldenstadt´s Redstart.

The best time of year to see Caucasian Snowcock is during the month of June.

Programme may be adapted to your schedule.

Cost per person::

€ 595.00 - Base: 2-3 Pax

€ 550.00 - Base: 4-5 Pax

€ 495.00 - Base: 6 Pax+

€ 795.00 - Individuals

Single room supplement: € 50,-

Price includes:

- Half-board staying at a high standard mountain resort.

- Packed lunches except for days 1 and last.

- Collection from and return to Baku airport.

- Full day trips from our base to outstanding top birding locations, including one-day excursion to a hanging valley of Mont Sahdag at 2800 meters, using horses.

- Your knowledgeable bird guide who speaks fluent English and lives locally. .

* Promotional statement:
We offer a 10 percent discount to anyone who books a tour and sends deposit by 30 November.
