Another exciting rarity reported from Durankulak.

Great Bustard (Otis tarda) have recently been discovered wintering on our very doorstep - Durankulak Lake, north Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, some 5 minutes drive from Branta Birding Lodge.
At about 3.15 PM on 2 January 2020, while carrying out a bird survey around Durankulak Lake, I observed and photographed a single Great Bustard (see photo) in a ploughed field on the western edge of the lake.

Presumably this is the same bird that was first seen on 28 December 2019 by Peter Carnall, a British guest of Branta Birding Lodge & Conservation Centre, who was lucky enough to spot a flying Great Bustard from the window of his room at about 7.35 AM. The sighting was later confirmed by other birdwatchers and avian specialists from Bulgaria, Great Britain and Romania and today the bird was still feeding in the same ploughed field.

Photo by Pavel Simeonov (Bed & Birding)

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